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Writer's pictureJory Barnes

Baby Schedule -Weeks 3-6

Your baby is about a month old! Congratulations!

Before we get into the schedule, I want you to know from this tired momma who has made it through I'm telling you, you will too!

At this age your little one still needs very minimal wake time. Meaning, long enough to nurse (20-30 minutes) and do any hygiene needed like a diaper change + a few minutes of tummy time (like 5 minutes) and looking at high contrast pictures. Tummy time is great exercise and helps your little one get out any gas they may have making for a better nap.

Towards the end of this age, around 5 weeks, I started practicing healthy independent sleep habits with a nap time routine:

  1. Look for sleep cues - staring - rubbing eyes - yawning - fussy - irritable - crying

  2. Change diaper (if needed)

  3. Darken room - black out curtains

  4. White noise - use have an echo dot in each of our boys rooms we use for pink noise

  5. Pacifier + Swaddle

  6. Rock + Sign a lullaby

I would rock my baby until they were calm and obviously drowsy. Then I would lay them down while still awake.

If my little one was fighting a nap or not wanting to be laid down I gave it 3 tries (or about 2-5 minutes each try). I would lay him down then go brush my teeth, or start a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher.. you get it. Then go back and check on him. Most of the time he had drifted off to sleep.

Occasionally, if he was still crying I would go in and resettle. This could be giving him his pacifier, patting him on the butt, picking him up and burping him, or sitting back down and rocking him again.

There is no exact science to resettling a baby, you will learn what your baby likes and what works best. And just like us babies preferences change. What works one day may not work the next.

Nighttime Sleep

I did not wake either of my babies to feed at night. If they woke up naturally around 3 am I would nurse them.

To keep them on schedule, if they woke too early like 1:00 am, I would use other methods of soothing. Which did not always work. Some nights were still 2 feed nights. Some nights he slept until 5 am and I would nurse on only one side to make sure he was still hungry enough to start our day with a 7am feed. Starting our day at 7am was a nonnegotiable.

Here are my top 5 favorite baby sleep items for Weeks 3-6

If you want more tips, tricks, and my favorite products to help with infant sleep are HERE.

Schedules based on On Becoming Babywise

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