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Writer's pictureJory Barnes

My Getting Started Pumping & Breast Feeding Diary

Updated: Dec 12, 2022


“Freezer Stash” at the end of week 1 - 8 oz

Day 1: Exclusively Nursing

Charley nursed, and nursed, and nursed and we did nothing else. My chest was sore through to my armpits, I winced in pain with each latch. I couldn't help but think I was doing something wrong. Everyone says "breastfeeding shouldn't hurt". They should say "eventually, breastfeeding shouldn't hurt."

Day 2: Exclusively Nursing

Again, Charley nursed and nursed and nursed some more. I was equally hungry and thirsty. My only relief came when the pediatrician needed to see Charley in the nursery for a few minutes. Twice, I requested that he stay in there until he needed to nurse again. Which, was no small thing, I felt guilty asking for a break form my 2 day old child. I could hardly sleep with him in another room and when I was able to sleep I had terrible nightmares that something happened to him. (More people should talk about postpartum nightmares)

Day 3: Exclusively Nursing

Still producing colostrum, Charley is nursing every 1.5-2 hours

Day 4: Nursing & 1 Pump Session

I began feeling full, really full in the evenings (I guess from not completely emptying my breasts all day). I decided to pump in the evenings after Charley's 8:00 feeding.

Amount: 1 ounce

Day 5: Nursing & 1 Pump Session

Again, I pumped only after Charly's 8:00 feeding and my husband fed Charley for his 11:00 feeding (using the 2 ounces pumped yesterday). He really enjoyed this time with Charley and I really enjoyed to sleep.

Amount: 2 ounces

Day 6: Nursing & 1 Pump Session

I decided to pump immediately after Charley's 8:00 feeding so I would be able to nurse him at 11:00. My husband was planning on staying up late working and offered to do the 1:00 am feeding. So, I stayed up a little later too, watching Gilmore Girls (for the 3rd time) and nursed Charley at 11:00 before going to bed.

Amount: 2 ounces

Day 7: Nursing & 1 Pump Session + Haakaa in the morning

Amount: 4 ounces

Within this first week I did not pump enough to begin a freezer stash or to leave with a babysitter to have a day of freedom. I pumped just enough for my husband to feed our son and to relieve some of the pain from being full. This is my 2nd baby and my 2nd time breast feeding and I know my milk came in much faster this time around. With my first baby I suffered from the soreness and burning latches for at least a week before my milk came in and nursing was no longer painful.

If nursing is your desire, then stick to it! It does get easier as time goes on.

Get some good nipple cream

Get some soothies (makes all the difference)

Get a cute spill proof water bottle (that holds 40+ ounces)

Get a good nursing pillow

Get some good nursing bras

Get some snacks! I love cliff bars and muffins, I also keep a ziplock bag of cheerios or goldfish by my nursing chair

Lastly, get some rest. It may seem impossible but for some time each day if you know baby is fed, dry, and safe. Put them in a safe place during their nap, turn on some white noise and get yourself some sleep (set an alarm for when is the next time they need to nurse).



“Freezer Stash” at the end of week 2 +14 oz = 22 oz

This week I still have 1 pumping session and am EBF for the rest of the day. I pump either after the 11:00 feeding or before the 4:00 feeding. My husband feeds our little one sometime between there, whenever he wakes up, so I get almost 5 hours of interrupted sleep.

We settled on these times based on Charley’s most consistent feedings (11:00 and 4:00) and the fact my husband is usually up until 2:30 or 3 working. So, he does the ”2:00” feed before going to bed.

Exhaustion has begun to set in and my nipples are still sore and sometimes latching is still painful. However, it is getting easier and less painful. We are really starting to develop a schedule, which I prefer. The evenings are still difficult but that's why it's called witching hour right? Charley still cluster feeds from about 6:00 pm-9:00 pm. Week 3:

“Freezer Stash” at the end of week 3 + 42 oz = 64 oz

According to The Bump “it is common to experience a 3-week old baby growth spurt” and for Charley that has been true, especially towards the end of this week. His normal feeding schedule was every 2.5 hours and 3 hours (minimum) at night. However, the last 2 days of this week Charley began eating every 1 to 2 hours and was waking almost every 2 hours through the night.

Knowing that didn’t make the week any easier. With a crying newborn almost every hour, after just finishing a feed only 30 minutes prior I began to question myself. Was I producing enough? Why couldn’t I keep him awake long enough for a “full feed”. I’m exhausted, I don’t care if he nurses to sleep and we both just fall asleep in this recliner (On and off all day)... leading to - but what about his schedule? now he won’t sleep well tonight and it’s my fault, because I’m lazy and not good enough. Add on top of that a teething, slightly jealous 16 month old currently transitioning from 2 naps to 1 and man did I really feel like a complete failure. So, if thats you momma, you are not alone. If you find yourself feeling guilty at the end of the day because you let your circumstance get the best of you I’m right there with you. Exhausted, worn out, & and too embarrassed to apologize to all the people you snapped at today because you felt pulled in every direction, your children and home draining the life out of you and you just need a break.

How did I celebrate making in through this week 3? With a nice long shower just to let the heat release some tension in my back and release the tears I had been holding back all day - this is what it is to become velveteen, to become real, to become loved... to have your hair loved off, and your eyes drop out, soft on the edges -

Week 4:

”Freezer Stash” at the end of week 4 + 84 oz =148 oz

We have finally settled into a semi-consistent daytime schedule (See schedules blog post for our schedule). Charley has not yet regulated his nighttime feeds. Sometime between 3-6 weeks babies should begin sleeping 4 hour stretches. For our schedule, that would mean a 11:00 pm feed, 3:00 pm feed and then asleep til the morning 7:00 am feed. However, 11:00-2:00 seems to be Charley’s prime time. So, like everything with motherhood... it’s a work in progress.

Storing Milk

I want my son to get fresh milk when possible. When I pump I keep enough in the fridge to feed him however many bottles I know he will get that day (right now that is only 1 bottle so 2 ounces). The rest of my expressed milk will be combined into 6 ounce servings and stored in freezer bags. Breastmilk is good in the fridge for up to 4 days, usually I have enough pumped milk for a 6 ounce bag (or more) in 4 days.


No one tells you the about the weight of breastfeeding. The all too literal weight on your chest when your baby seems to be screaming at you “your not enough” as you fight and struggle to get them to nurse. “Please, just one more try“ I can remember pleading with my son.

I wasn’t enough, I, still, am not enough and I never will be. Thankfully, I was not chosen for motherhood to be enough for my children. I was chosen for this hard task of showing them someone who is always enough.

With every late night that too quickly became morning I found myself, like my newborn, crying out for comfort. Unlike me, God was never tired or irritable He always met me with grace. Nursing & pumping is the hardest thing I have ever done. The birth of a mother comes through a hard, long labor and for this labor there is no epidural. But, like all labor the reward is great.

My Favorite Pumping & Nursing Items


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